Shawls show more variety day by day. The shawl models and colors, which were previously limited in number, now have a wide range of fabrics, models and colors. The shawls in the hijab of every hijab are preferred according to the choice of clothes. For example, tunic or shirts, which are worn thinly during the summer months, are made of thin fabrics, which also allow the head area to breathe, and non-warm shawls are preferred. Making a thick shawl preference will be a very bad choice for hijab ladies.

 Chiffon shawl models are one of the finest and most comfortable shawls. Thanks to these shawls, you will not only get warm but also look stylish.Making a chiffon shawl is also quite easy. The shawl, which is used by passing over the upper part of the head region, makes the face stand out. It is seen that chiffon shawls are presented to consumers in every color. Recently, silvery chiffon shawls have begun to take their place in the drawer of many hijab ladies. In these shawls, various silvers are printed on the plain color. Although the use of these shawls usually occur on special occasions such as weddings and engagements, nowadays they are beginning to take their place in normal life. 

Double-sided shawls are another preferred shawl type. Thanks to these shawls, two combinations can be made from one skin. The fact that both sides of the shawl are in different colors provides a lot of convenience for women in the use and selection of shawls. In addition to this feature of these shawls, it is seen that lace is placed on the edges. With the fashion of lace, the shawl has been given a different look. The weight of the lace is reflected in the shaft, so a more mature atmosphere is added to the person. One of the reasons for preferring lacy shawls is that lace can be used as an ornament or brought to the head area and draw attention. Taffeta shawl models deserve to take the first place among shawl types in terms of usefulness. The reason for this is that the shawl, which is hardened thanks to its taffe, can stand in the head area without slipping. All models are offered to you within the scope of special guarantee. Therefore, you can catch the elegance with the model you choose and easily create the combination you want.

N.Y.A - Chiffon Shawl NYA053-001 Lilac


329.90 TL
169.90 TL
N.Y.A - Chiffon Shawl NYA053-001 Mustard


329.90 TL
169.90 TL
N.Y.A - Cottony Jazz Shawl NYA052-001 Vision


329.90 TL
169.90 TL
N.Y.A - Cottony Jazz Shawl NYA052-001 Orange


329.90 TL
169.90 TL
N.Y.A - Chiffon Shawl NYA053-001 Open Rose Kurusu


329.90 TL
169.90 TL
N.Y.A - Medina Silk Shawl NYA054-001 Mint


329.90 TL
169.90 TL
N.Y.A - Medina Silk Shawl NYA054-001 Dark Rose Kurusu


N.Y.A - Cottony Jazz Shawl NYA052-001 Rose Kurusu


329.90 TL
169.90 TL
N.Y.A - Cottony Jazz Shawl NYA052-001 Green


329.90 TL
169.90 TL
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.